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How to use the website

To help you navigate material effectively and find exactly what you are looking for, we offer a few tips:

How to browse

To get started and discover music and songs in the Sluzar Music Score collection, click Browse in the menu. You can browse items by title or subject. Whichever you choose, the results will be listed alphabetically (you can change the sorting by clicking on the Title or Subject respectively).

How to search

To start a search, use the search box in the top right corner of the website window. Type a keyword in the search box and hit the search button (on the right, it looks like a magnifying glass). By default, the system searches for any word in all the fields of the music scores descriptions. If you would like to search for a phrase, please choose "Exact match" from the drop down list clicking next to the search sign.

Advanced search

If you know the composer, arranger, title, medium of performance or any other specific information about the item you are looking for, you can do advanced search. You can search by a combination of any of the following:

  • subject
  • title
  • composer
  • key
  • lyricist
  • medium of performance
  • starting tempo
  • time signature


All titles are provided in the language of original, most often Ukrainian, and in transliteration. For example, the song "Ой ясная та й зіронька" has a Ukrainian title, as well as its transliteration: "Oi iasnaia ta i ziron'ka." To find this song, you can search either for зіронька or for ziron'ka.

Please note that transliteration is done according to the Library of Congress romanization tables. You can check the rules for the Ukrainian language here. You don't need to use any superscript signs. For "ш" enter "sh", for "ж" - "zh", and so on.

How to view music scores

All digitized items in the collection are available for viewing as JPG images. You can enlarge the image by clicking on it. If the document has multiple pages, you can view them clicking on the thumbnails at the bottom of the viewing window, or clicking on the next and previous arrows.

Download & citation

For your convenience, every music score is available for download as a PDF. If you use the music scores for your research or publication, please provide proper credit. Citation is available in the bottom right corner of every item's description.

More questions?

If you have other questions, please contact the Archives at